What a week our boy has had! He is still red on the top of his nose from falling a couple of weeks ago. Wednesday, Bam fell with him and he scraped the left side of his nose on the driveway, and Friday, he tripped in the yard and hit the slide with his face. He had a busted lip and bruising on his face. Bam felt sorry for him and played with him in the yard after that, and he got REALLY dirty--see photo.

When he woke up from his nap, we had the cupcake tree set up and the Mickey Mouse banner and wall decorations up. He was so excited!
On Saturday evening, the Basfords (including Dallas and Jade) and Becki F. along with Bam, Grammy, and Grand, were all here for supper and birthday cake. We had so much fun.
David is talking up a storm, and I fully expect him to be dismissed from speech at his next evaulation. He just doesn't seem to have any problem saying anything he wants to these days. Praise God! We'll miss Miss Jennifer, but we'll just have to make arrangements to see her somewhere else. :)

He is so adventurous yet so careful. He wants to climb everything and try anything he sees us doing, i.e. cooking, cleaning, writing. We decided to let him try pre-school one day a week, and tomorrow is his first day. He was very excited when we went to register last week and cried when we left. He wanted to stay and check out his new classroom even though it was naptime and rather dark in the room. I'm looking at this more-or-less as an experiment. If he loves it, we'll see about adding more days.
I love this boy. He is so gentle in nature and has the best sense of humor. He continues to add joy to our lives every single day. He has really begun to play with Sam, and if Sam cries, David will often pat him and say, "Don't cry" or "It's alright." We are so blessed.
How is preschool going?
It's going fine. He usually says he doesn't want to go when we're on our way there, but when if I pick him up early, like I did this week, he doesn't want to leave.
My next hurdle is potty-training. Ick.
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