We've had some trouble with the tube-site since we had the tube taken out three weeks ago. I hope it will close up on its own; in the meantime, it's driving SB to distraction. We have an appointment at Nemours in a few weeks. If it's not better by then, maybe they'll be able to help. I love the staff there. They are so helpful, and they NEVER treat me like I don't know what I'm doing--which is kind, since quite often, I don't. :)
SB has four teeth now and a fifth is trying to make an appearance. He is quite mobile but is not really motivated to walk yet. He can go around the room holding onto things, but he doesn't let go very often. I guess walking will be like rolling over and crawling were; when he sees a need for it, he'll do it.
He's had a little ear trouble, but we've been using drops recommended by Cheri at Sweet Hollow Farm, and they seem to really be making a difference.

Did I say life is good?
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