Just a quick re-cap of the last four months because both of my guys are awake and waiting for me to get them up; I do try to leave them in bed until 7:00 at least though.

The baby, who has no pseudonym yet, (Drason suggested Spew because he spits up a LOT) will be five months old on Thursday. He is rolling over both ways and is quite a little chatterer. He has also turned into quite a snuggle bug these last weeks. We're really having a lot of fun with him. He's finally sleeping through the night, not the eleven hours that are every mother's dream, but seven or eight, and we are very happy to get that. He is sitting up with some assistance and eating solid foods. He weighed 14 and a half pounds at his last doctor's appointment three weeks ago, so he is right on track. How odd to have a baby doing things on a normal schedule! It sure seems fast!

Smiley Boy is Smiley Boy. He's going through a very whiney stage, partly due to Bam (my mother) having lived with us for five months and his being accustomed to her catering to him a bit. His last speech evaluation, about two months ago, showed him at 18 months, about eight months behind. He has really added a lot of words to his vocabulary in the last month though, and as our friend and his speech therapist, Miss Jennifer, says, he has really taken off. He loves to play outside, but if he has to stay in, he will occupy himself "cooking" with cups, bowls, and spoons. He loves to play with Pinx and will following him around the house all day long; that is if Pinx doesn't get tired of it and disappear outside. Oh, and SB put on his shoes (blue crocs) by himself yesterday for the first time--he really wanted to go outside. :)

Our beloved Tip disappeared about two months ago. He was the greatest cat for kids because he never got upset no matter how much they poked and pulled at him. We have some great memories, and a few pictures, of him and Smiley Boy. We inherited Pinx from my mom (she didn't want him to readjust to condo living after being able to roam outdoors here), and he's a pretty good cat, but we miss our Tip.
Drason is plugging along at his job. They plan to move into their new facility in the next couple of weeks, and hopefully that will bring about some needed organizational changes. That's what we're praying for anyway.
I am trying to lose weight. Not baby weight anymore, because I am finally where I was when I got pregnant, but I needed to lose weight then too, so I'm working at it slowly but surely and making some progress. "At my age," I really need to get to an optimum weight just so I'll feel better, so I plod along....
I guess that updates us for now. The main reason I keep this blog is for a record for me, so I've got to do a better job of updating it, even if I don't feel particularly creative....
PS--note to self, blog SOON about Smiley Boy's relationship with his little brother!
1 comment:
I guess I gave up on your blog. I just realized that I haven't checked it in two months. Sorry about that. I'm so glad Spew (you gotta do better than that) is sleeping so many hours.
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