Drason and I found out today that we are having another son. Two boys, two years apart. We are thrilled! We were as certain that this baby was a boy as we were about Smiley Boy, but it's always fun to know for sure--and when my untrained eye can read the ultrasound, we can be sure!
I continue to be overwhelmed at the blessings in my life. When I got SB up from his nap today to make the trip to my ultrasound, I was telling him how privileged he and I are that he is not regularly awakened from sleep to go to daycare while I go to work. God has blessed us, and for the second year, a new school year started without me.
This last month has been an interesting one where Smiley Boy is concerned. Just a few weeks ago, I was depressed and distressed over his not walking and talking. He is 18 months old (15 adjusted), but back in May it looked as if he might start walking--three months later, he is still not much farther along. I shared my heart with Drason about it (on that wonderful birthday outing we had) and God spoke to him that we should treat Smiley Boy, not as the toddler that he appears to be, but as the baby he really is, and more than anything else, to ENJOY him. From that evening when we got home to now, our household has been a different place. There is great joy in the occasional step SB takes unassisted or in the mimicry of our voices, but there is no stress in what he's NOT doing. And he is making progress. He's just the happiest little guy to be around, and we are loving watching him grow.
I can hardly believe that in just a few short months we will have two. God is good, so very, very, good!